What is it about?

A problematic manifestation of the COVID-19 pandemic is a related digital ‘infodemic’with widespread dissemination of rumors, conspiracy theories, and other misinformation about the impact of the crisis on aspects of political and socio-economic life. Those spreading the misleading information did so through social media. In response, public, private and non-government stakeholders around the world have proposed a wide range of e-government policy approaches to combat this new digital phenomenon. For this Viewpoint I identified, analyzed, and classified the most interesting strategies, platforms, and tools proposed or already used by public decision-makers to combat the spread of false information related to the pandemic in a digital society.

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Why is it important?

Social networks are part of human nature. Communication is an important evolutionary feature that offers a certain biological advantage that has always helped people to learn more about the environment through mutually beneficial interaction and communication. Most interactions now take place on the Internet, even or even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic when people were forced to isolate themselves from many of their usual contacts. Social networks can easily share unconfirmed information, intentionally or unintentionally. The information may misinform, disinform, or mislead people.


1) Generation and distribution of false information in an ‘infodemic’ has interfered with public health and medical activities to protect and treat populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2) Most misleading information about COVID-19 is spread digitally through social media outlets. 3) Strategies, platforms, and tools to combat spread of false information effectively require cooperation among public, civic, and private stakeholders

Dr Maxat Kassen
Astana IT University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Curbing the COVID-19 digital infodemic: strategies and tools, Journal of Public Health Policy, September 2023, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1057/s41271-023-00437-2.
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