What is it about?
because of altered renal function, some metabolic waste accumulates in the body. Modifying food intake by reducing proteins and ensuring a healthier renal diet will reduce metablic poisoning of the body and improve clinicla symptoms. The start of mainteannce dialysis may be postpone in certain situations.
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Why is it important?
Due to a very heterogeneous food type availability, patients are often lost to adequately choose the optimal food. Dietary survey will be of help, after a nutritional care plan is done with the renal physician and renal dietitian. This will ensure a maintained body composition, avoid weight loss and wasting that may spontaneously occur if no dietary plan is done.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Nutritional Management of Chronic Kidney Disease, The New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the Collateral Branches of Science, November 2017, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM/MMS),
DOI: 10.1056/nejmra1700312.
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