What is it about?
In oligopoly power markets, maintenance of equipments may be scheduled strategically for exercising capacity withholding. In this paper, an approach for analyzing the capacity withholding of generation companies (GenCos) considering integrated generation and transmission maintenance scheduling (IGTMS) is proposed. This approach is based on some indices, which compare different types of power markets to analyze the effect of IGTMS on the capacity withholding of GenCos.
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Why is it important?
The indices provide valuable information about capacity withholding, nodal price distortion, wealth transfer, and loss of social welfare. The complex interactions of IGTMS with the capacity withholding of GenCos are provided with assessing extensive numerical simulations on two IEEE test systems.
Power industry has moved from its vertical structure to a new one that is recognized as restructured power system to improve competitiveness and technical as well as economic efficiency. However, some problematic issues in the present power markets such as market power may lead to market inefficiency and wealth transfer from consumers to suppliers.
Dr Mehrdad Setayesh Nazar
Shahid Beheshti University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Capacity withholding assessment in the presence of integrated generation and transmission maintenance scheduling , IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, June 2017, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.1431.
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