What is it about?

Moved by Reading is a reading comprehension intervention that helps kids understand what they read by having them manipulate pictures on an iPad screen that correspond to the text they just read. This intervention was given to DLLs in Arizona, either in English only or with support in Spanish. Compared to a control group, the groups that received the intervention performed better on answering comprehension questions when they moved the pictures. However, when the intervention groups were given a new story and did not move the pictures, they did not show an advantage over the control group.

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Why is it important?

The use of embodied strategies (i.e. getting kids' bodies involved in learning) is a promising avenue for intervention in several areas. This manuscript discusses one type of embodied intervention and its effectiveness with an at-risk DLL population.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Moved by Reading in a Spanish-Speaking, Dual Language Learner Population, Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, July 2018, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA),
DOI: 10.1044/2018_lshss-16-0032.
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