Publisher Correction: Transcriptomic alterations during ageing reflect the shift from cancer to degenerative diseases in the elderly
Peer Aramillo Irizar, Sascha Schäuble, Daniela Esser, Marco Groth, Christiane Frahm, Steffen Priebe, Mario Baumgart, Nils Hartmann, Shiva Marthandan, Uwe Menzel, Jule Müller, Silvio Schmidt, Volker Ast, Amke Caliebe, Rainer König, Michael Krawczak, Michael Ristow, Stefan Schuster, Alessandro Cellerino, Stephan Diekmann, Christoph Englert, Peter Hemmerich, Jürgen Sühnel, Reinhard Guthke, Otto W. Witte, Matthias Platzer, Eytan Ruppin, Christoph Kaleta
Nature Communications, May 2019, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10559-5