Post-Operative Morbidity and Mortality of a Cohort of Steroid Refractory Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis: Nationwide Multicenter Study of the GETECCU ENEIDA Registry
I Ordás, E Domènech, M Mañosa, V García-Sánchez, E Iglesias-Flores, F Rodríguez-Moranta, L Márquez, O Merino, F Fernández-Bañares, F Gomollón, M Vera, A Gutiérrez, J LLaó, J P Gisbert, M Aguas, L Arias, I Rodríguez-Lago, C Muñoz, N Alcaide, X Calvet, C Rodríguez, M A Montoro, S García, M L De Castro, M Piqueras, L Pareja, J Ribes, J Panés, M Esteve
The American Journal of Gastroenterology, July 2018, Wolters Kluwer Health
DOI: 10.1038/s41395-018-0057-0