Dysfunction of homeostatic control of dopamine by astrocytes in the developing prefrontal cortex leads to cognitive impairments
Francesco Petrelli, Glenn Dallérac, Luca Pucci, Corrado Calì, Tamara Zehnder, Sébastien Sultan, Salvatore Lecca, Andrea Chicca, Andrei Ivanov, Cédric S. Asensio, Vidar Gundersen, Nicolas Toni, Graham William Knott, Fulvio Magara, Jürg Gertsch, Frank Kirchhoff, Nicole Déglon, Bruno Giros, Robert H. Edwards, Jean-Pierre Mothet, Paola Bezzi
Molecular Psychiatry, August 2018, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/s41380-018-0226-y