Identification of novel pathogenic variants and novel gene-phenotype correlations in Mexican subjects with microphthalmia and/or anophthalmia by next-generation sequencing
Diana Matías-Pérez, Leopoldo A. García-Montaño, Marisa Cruz-Aguilar, Iván A. García-Montalvo, Jessica Nava-Valdéz, Tania Barragán-Arevalo, Cristina Villanueva-Mendoza, Camilo E. Villarroel, Clavel Guadarrama-Vallejo, Rocío Villafuerte-de la Cruz, Oscar Chacón-Camacho, Juan C. Zenteno
Journal of Human Genetics, September 2018, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/s10038-018-0504-1