What is it about?
The paper describes the first 3D structure of a mammalian sialyltransferase. These enzymes are critical for normal cellular function, and when expressed at the wrong time, can contribute to diseases like cancer.
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Why is it important?
This is a great example of how chemistry, molecular biology and structural biology can work together to achieve something of importance to a whole community. The architecture of this enzyme helps us to understand the subtle differences in these enzymes which have such a profound effect on our biology.
This was the culmination of a lot of work between the Strynadka/Withers/Wakarchuk labs with very important input from Shawn Defrees about expression of the enzyme.
Professor Warren Wakarchuk
University of Alberta
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Structural insight into mammalian sialyltransferases, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, October 2009, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.1685.
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