Senataxin suppresses the antiviral transcriptional response and controls viral biogenesis
Matthew S Miller, Alexander Rialdi, Jessica Sook Yuin Ho, Micah Tilove, Luis Martinez-Gil, Natasha P Moshkina, Zuleyma Peralta, Justine Noel, Camilla Melegari, Ana M Maestre, Panagiotis Mitsopoulos, Joaquín Madrenas, Sven Heinz, Chris Benner, John A T Young, Alicia R Feagins, Christopher F Basler, Ana Fernandez-Sesma, Olivier J Becherel, Martin F Lavin, Harm van Bakel, Ivan Marazzi
Nature Immunology, March 2015, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/ni.3132