The landscape of fusion transcripts in spitzoid melanoma and biologically indeterminate spitzoid tumors by RNA sequencing
Gang Wu, Gang Wu, Gang Wu, Raymond L Barnhill, Raymond L Barnhill, Raymond L Barnhill, Seungjae Lee, Seungjae Lee, Seungjae Lee, Yongjin Li, Yongjin Li, Yongjin Li, Ying Shao, Ying Shao, Ying Shao, John Easton, John Easton, John Easton, James Dalton, James Dalton, James Dalton, Jinghui Zhang, Jinghui Zhang, Jinghui Zhang, Alberto Pappo, Alberto Pappo, Alberto Pappo, Armita Bahrami, Armita Bahrami, Armita Bahrami
Modern Pathology, February 2016, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2016.37