Performance of careHPV for detecting high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among women living with HIV-1 in Burkina Faso and South Africa: HARP study
Michel Segondy, Helen Kelly, Mahlape P Magooa, Florencia Djigma, Jean Ngou, Clare Gilham, Tanvier Omar, Olga Goumbri-Lompo, Pamela Michelow, Sylviane Doutre, Omar Clavero, Admire Chikandiwa, Bernard Sawadogo, Marie-Noelle Didelot, Valérie Costes, Nicolas Méda, Sinead Delany-Moretlwe, Philippe Mayaud
British Journal of Cancer, July 2016, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/bjc.2016.207