What is it about?

How we shape our jobs can influence our productivity and well-being. However, some work environments and contexts, such as organizational change may affect our ability to shape our jobs the way we would like to. For the first time in a high-performance sport context, we have shown that coaches can be constrained and stimulated to craft their job roles in a variety of passive and proactive ways, for enhanced productivity and well-being.

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Why is it important?

Our findings show that high-performance coaches are proactive in their efforts to craft their jobs in the context of organizational changes that occur in elite sport environments. This is quite unique since organizational change has tended to represent a constraining context in other professions, which restricts people's ability to shape their job demands and resouces in line with their personal preferences and capabilities.


I hope this article inspires coaches to reflect on their job roles and consider what aspects of their jobs they can take greater control in shaping, for greater productivity and happiness in their work and lives.

James Rumbold
Sheffield Hallam University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Coaches’ experiences of job crafting through organizational change in high-performance sport., Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology, August 2023, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/spy0000328.
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