What is it about?

1) what is the therapeutic (both therapist's and patient's) experience? how does it develop and how is it intentioned? what does the patient feel? What does the therapist feel? 2) how is the therapist impacted by the presence of the patient? (aesthetic tools) 3) In which way the feeling of the therapist has to do with the experience of the patient? (a field perspective on the phenomenon of countertransfert) 4) how can we describe the mutual movements (the "dance") between therapist and patient?

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Why is it important?

it describes the therapeutic relationship focusing on the vitality that is created in the very moment of their meeting. It supports the creativity in the specific therapeutic meeting. It support and recognizes the "beauty" of the patient's trial to solve their suffering.


it's important to address the clinicians' mind to vital processes of their patients. I'm researching on these concepts, to support this paradigm of reciprocity and vitality

Dr. Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy srl

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Gestalt therapy during coronavirus: Sensing the experiential ground and “dancing” with reciprocity., The Humanistic Psychologist, December 2020, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/hum0000228.
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