What is it about?

Bisexual fathers have rarely been represented in studies of LGBTQ+ families, and tend to be invisible as they are assumed to be either gay or straight based on their partner's gender. For this study, we interviewed bisexual fathers to find out what being both bisexual and a father meant to them, and how they integrated those two aspects of their identity together. We identified a number of strategies used by bisexual fathers to manage their identity, including valuing different types of authenticity and seeking safety in community. Bisexual fathers also used their bisexuality to reframe traditional fatherhood and share their perspectives with others.

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Why is it important?

There is very little research specifically looking at bisexual fathers, however we know that a significant proportion of LGBTQ+ parents identify as bisexual. Highlighting the experiences of bisexual fathers can help us to advance our understanding of what it means to be an LGBTQ+ family, and elevate the voices of a previously invisible group. This study also indicates the need for further research which identifies specific risk and protective factors among these families, to understand how best to support bisexual fathers and their family members.


Interviewing bisexual fathers allowed me to understand a group that has often been ignored, and getting to represent their experiences and perspectives through this research has been a privilege. I hope that this study can increase understanding of what it means to be a bisexual father.

Maisie Matthews
University College London

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: “Caught between two worlds”: Managing identity in bisexual fatherhood., Journal of Family Psychology, June 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/fam0001244.
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