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The number of students who openly identify as transgender or gender nonbinary on college and university campuses is increasing. At the same time, transgender and nonbinary (TNB) students are the most likely to experience violence and other difficulties on campus, which can adversely affect educational outcomes. This chapter outlines the needs of TNB students in higher education and contains recommendations for higher education institutions on how best to meet the needs of TNB students. In addition, it emphasizes advocacy strategies and describes the steps to take for addressing TNB student needs in higher education settings. By keeping pace with TNB students and their needs, colleges and universities will be able to create an affirming climate. As a result, TNB students will be given the best chance to thrive. Colleges and universities have the capacity to create health, safe, affirming educational environments inclusive of all students regardless of their gender history.

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Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Recommendations and advocacy strategies for meeting the needs of transgender and nonbinary students., January 2022, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/0000281-007.
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