What is it about?

The International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) is a commonly used self-report questionnaire to measure symptoms of PTSD and complex PTSD according to ICD-11. After shortening the questionnaire from 28 to 12 questions, the abbreviated version has become a popular alternative to the original. This is the first study to investigate the Dutch translations of the ITQ and evaluate how well these questionnaires measure PTSD and complex PTSD. We analyzed data from ARQ Centrum'45, PSYTREC, PsyQ (IMPACT study), and Dimence and GGZ Oost Brabant (TOPRON study) in a group of more than 4944 participants.

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Why is it important?

Our research supports the internal consistency and factor structure of both instruments. We found the expected associations with other measures of PTSD and complex PTSD. Thus, both questionnaires are suited to determine the severity of PTSD and complex PTSD symptoms.


A striking outcome is that based on the short ITQ, more people received the diagnosis of complex PTSD compared to the original ITQ version: 47% vs. 36.3%. Our findings show that it is not possible to diagnose complex PTSD soley based on these questionairres. We advise to combine these questionnaires with a clinical interview to obtain more information about PTSD and complex PTSD symptoms and to reach a correct diagnosis.

Jorinde Gerrmann
ARQ Centrum'45

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch International Trauma Questionnaire for the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases posttraumatic stress disorder and complex posttraumatic stress..., Psychological Trauma Theory Research Practice and Policy, November 2023, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/tra0001576.
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