What is it about?
This article reviews previous literature on the promotion of resilience to the development of mental disorder in tertiary education students. This is because mental illness affects younger people more than older people, with tertiary students being affected even more than non-tertiary students of similar age.
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Why is it important?
Previous studies have shown that tertiary students suffer from higher levels of disorder than the general population and their age matched peers. This makes them at at risk group for developing disorder and in turn suffering from the negative cosequences associated with mental illness. This is particularly important now with the disruption to people's lives from the COVID-19 pandemic. Helping tertiary students to cope better with these stressors should help them to manage their mental health more effectively and avoid extreme distress which can lead to mental disorder.
The preventive mental health field is a very under-researched area compared to preventive medicine. I hope that this article helps inform people about the ways that they can look after their own mental health in the same way that they are tought to look after their physical health via the extensive educational campaigns that already exist in the area of physical health.
David Tuck
Monash University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Single-factor interventions to promote resilience in tertiary education students: A systematic review., International Journal of Stress Management, February 2022, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/str0000236.
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