What is it about?

What makes the therapist tick? This Dutch qualitative study revealed 10 career choice motivations of therapists and how their initial— and new—motivations remain influential in their daily professional practice. In a job where many occupational hazards are lurking, such as compassion fatigue and burnout, insight into therapist motivations is paramount. The insights from this study are a starting point for interventions that promote mental health and durable careers among therapists themselves, allowing for the effective and continuous treatment of their patients.

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Why is it important?

More and more people seek treatment for psychological issues. Furthermore, the job of a therapist in itself becomes increasingly demanding. Therapists are prone to occupational hazards, such as burnout and compassion fatigue. To keep therapists healthy, and to promote durable therapeutic careers of the professionals that treat the most vulnerable people in society, it is important to get to know the motivations that contribute to their choice of becoming and remaining a therapist. These insights are a starting point for designing interventions that 'help the helper'.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: What brings you here?—A qualitative study on why therapists become and remain therapists., Professional Psychology Research and Practice, May 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/pro0000576.
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