What is it about?

We updated the Male Rape Myths Scale (MRMS). This tool can be used to measure how much individuals agree with male rape myths - stereotypical beliefs about rape with the victim is a man. We updated the language, added new items, and reduced the total number of items. We found that the items clustered together in two areas. The first cluster was made up of beliefs that male rape is rare and only an issue for small groups of people (Marginalization). The second cluster, which we titled Victim Culpability, was made up of victim blaming myths.

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Why is it important?

We believe this research is important because it gives us a solid tool for future research on the male rape myths construct. In this study, total male rape myth agreement was associated with more negative attitudes towards gay men, more patriarchal beliefs, and more traditional male gender role norms. We also found that more agreement with male rape myths was associated with more victim blaming in response to vignettes.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Revising the Male Rape Myths Scale., Psychology of Men & Masculinity, June 2022, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/men0000405.
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