What is it about?

The manuscript documents the first assemblage of the iconic Gondwanan Permian Glossopteris flora from the Tabbowa Basin in northwestern Sri Lanka. Several categories of insect/mite interactions are also described on the fossil Glossopteris leaves. The age of the flora is discussed—this being the first report of Permian strata in Sri Lanka.

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Why is it important?

The revised (Permian) age and depositional setting of the basal strata in the Tabbowa Basin has implications for our understanding of the evolution of petroleum systems in the adjacent offshore Mannar Basin. We highlight the potential significance of Permian strata in this region for hydrocarbon (especially natural gas) exploration through the central Gondwanan sector.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The first record of the Permian Glossopteris flora from Sri Lanka: implications for hydrocarbon source rocks in the Mannar Basin, Geological Magazine, December 2016, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/s0016756816001114.
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