What is it about?

The Ajay river basin's vulnerability to flooding was determined using morphometric analysis and sub-watershed prioritisation. The entire Ajay river basin was divided into seven smaller watersheds, and a ranking algorithm was applied to the morphometric properties of these smaller watersheds to determine their prioritisation rank. Sub-watersheds are ranked and prioritised for critical investigation based on 13 unique morphometric parameters of linear, relief, and areal features.

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Why is it important?

Many research have been published on the subject of prioritising sub-watersheds for flood management based on morphometric features. Still, this type of research on the Ajay River watershed is very new. It will assist decision-makers in controlling the destructive Ajay River floods.


The current study has two key goals: (i) extracting morphometric features from DEM data using GIS technology, and (ii) methodically prioritising sub-watersheds, primarily for flood management, using GIS technology.

Prolay Mondal
Raiganj University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Prioritization of watersheds based on morphometric assessment in relation to flood management: A case study of Ajay river basin, Eastern India, Watershed Ecology and the Environment, January 2023, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.wsee.2022.11.011.
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