What is it about?

This article addresses the pressing issue of coastal flood damage resulting from extreme sea levels, which is exacerbated by climate change. The paper reviews the current state of storm surge science, introduces the SurgeMIP community's efforts to intercompare storm surge models, and coordinates global prediction and projection efforts.

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Why is it important?

As climate change leads to more frequent and severe extreme sea levels, coastal communities face increasing risks. This review synthesizes current knowledge on storm surges and extreme sea levels, highlighting the need for accurate predictions and effective early warning systems. By bringing together the latest advancements and identifying gaps in existing research, the paper provides a foundation for improving our ability to forecast and manage these critical coastal hazards.


This work underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing storm surge science and improving our predictive capabilities. By addressing the research and development gaps identified, we can better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of extreme sea levels on coastal populations.

Christian Appendini
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Storm Surges and Extreme Sea Levels: Review, Establishment of Model Intercomparison and Coordination of Surge Climate Projection Efforts (SurgeMIP)., Weather and Climate Extremes, May 2024, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2024.100689.
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