What is it about?

This study investigates the practical applications of blockchain technology in socially oriented crowdfunding platforms (SCPs)

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Why is it important?

In recent years, SCPs have grown due to their perceived benefits compared to traditional funding channels. However, skepticism remains regarding the potential for the further development of crowdfunding platforms, especially SCPs, due to restrictions on attracting investment as well as concerns related to transparency, reliability, and trustworthiness.


The recent applications of blockchain technology in crowdfunding promise a possible solution to current obstacles, and may facilitate SCPs. Employing a qualitative research approach based on three case studies, this study addresses how blockchain technology can be used to facilitate the social value creation of crowdfunding when adopted as an alternative infrastructure.

Dr. Thinh Gia Hoang
Western Sydney University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The role of blockchain technology-based social crowdfunding in advancing social value creation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, September 2021, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120898.
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