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At high latitudes, domestic electricity demand and insolation are negatively correlated on both an annual and a diurnal basis. With increasing integration of distributed photovoltaics (PV) in low-voltage distribution grids of residential areas, limits to the penetration level are set by voltage rise due to unmatched production and load. In this paper a methodology for determining the impacts of three options for increased load matching is presented and applied to high-latitude data. The studied options are PV array orientation, demand side management (DSM) and electricity storage.
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Here's simple ways to improve load and solar pv matching. Quite useful and easy.
Professor Peter D. Lund
Aalto University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Options for improving the load matching capability of distributed photovoltaics: Methodology and application to high-latitude data, Solar Energy, November 2009, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2009.07.007.
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