What is it about?
The so called High-entropy alloys (HEAs), which I call highly concentrated alloys, show several optimal properties, in particular an unusual combination of high strength and high ductility. Usual explanations for these properties involve solid solution strengthening or particularities of dislocation configurations. I learned from previous publications that the levels of Short-range ordering are very elevated in these alloys and this prompted me to investigate short-range order strengthening as a possible origin for these special properties and found out that a large part of the strengthening is due to SRO strengthening.
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Why is it important?
Understanding the physics of a phenomenon is essential to further develop new alloys and to efficiently use this phenomenon in engineering. This work is a contribution in this line, by investigating the role of SRO strengthening in these alloys I was able to find out that large part of the excellent properties high-entropy alloys have may be due to SRO, and not to the entropy.
This is one of my few solo contributions, of course I had the help of many people in discussions which lead to this work, but in the present case I did everything alone.
Professor Claudio Geraldo Schön
Universidade de Sao Paulo Campus da Capital
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: On short-range order strengthening and its role in high-entropy alloys, Scripta Materialia, April 2021, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.113754.
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