Transdisciplinary synthesis for ecosystem science, policy and management: The Australian experience
A.J.J. Lynch, R. Thackway, A. Specht, P.J. Beggs, S. Brisbane, E.L. Burns, M. Byrne, S.J. Capon, M.T. Casanova, P.A. Clarke, J.M. Davies, S. Dovers, R.G. Dwyer, E. Ens, D.O. Fisher, M. Flanigan, E. Garnier, S.M. Guru, K. Kilminster, J. Locke, R. Mac Nally, K.M. McMahon, P.J. Mitchell, J.C. Pierson, E.M. Rodgers, J. Russell-Smith, J. Udy, M. Waycott
The Science of The Total Environment, November 2015, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.100