What is it about?

This paper proposes emissions functions for cars based on speed AND accelerartion. The emissions function in Table 2 can be used by microscopic traffic models such as PARAMICS and VISSIM to model second by second emissions of PM, NOx, VOC

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Why is it important?

Most emission functions such as COPERT/MEET and CALINE provide trip average emission factor as a function of average speed. Emission functions presented in this paper allow to estimate emissions based on instantantenous (second by second) speed and acceleration. traffic models can therefore take into account the effect of traffic dynamics, speed humps, traffic signals etc. on emission which enables detailed air quality studies.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Modelling instantaneous traffic emission and the influence of traffic speed limits, The Science of The Total Environment, December 2006, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.08.017.
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