Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models
Christophe F. Randin, Michael B. Ashcroft, Janine Bolliger, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, Nicholas C. Coops, Stefan Dullinger, Thomas Dirnböck, Sandra Eckert, Erle Ellis, Néstor Fernández, Gregory Giuliani, Antoine Guisan, Walter Jetz, Stéphane Joost, Dirk Karger, Jonas Lembrechts, Jonathan Lenoir, Miska Luoto, Xavier Morin, Bronwyn Price, Duccio Rocchini, Michael Schaepman, Bernhard Schmid, Peter Verburg, Adam Wilson, Paul Woodcock, Nigel Yoccoz, Davnah Payne
Remote Sensing of Environment, March 2020, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111626