What is it about?

Traditionally, medical images have been read by radiologists (doctors). In response to increasing activity, trained reporting radiographers are reading growing number of investigations with comparable accuracy to radiologists. This study found that radiographers at the end of their training reported adult chest x-rays with high precision.

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Why is it important?

At the end of an accredited training programme, reporting radiographers interpreted a bank of adult chest x-rays with high levels of sensitivity and specificity.


High levels of performance when interpreting chest x-rays in an exam setting is a vital first piece of evidence which contributes to the knowledge base underpinning medical image interpretation by trained reporting radiographers.

Nick Woznitza
Homerton University Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Chest reporting by radiographers: Findings of an accredited postgraduate programme, Radiography, May 2014, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.radi.2014.01.003.
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