IFPA Meeting 2011 workshop report I: Placenta: Predicting future health; roles of lipids in the growth and development of feto-placental unit; placental nutrient sensing; placental research to solve clinical problems – A translational approach
G. Acharya, C. Albrecht, S.J. Benton, T. Cotechini, R. Dechend, M.R. Dilworth, A.K. Duttaroy, T. Grotmol, A.E. Heazell, T. Jansson, E.D. Johnstone, H.N. Jones, R.L. Jones, S. Lager, K. Laine, L. Nagirnaja, M. Nystad, T. Powell, C. Redman, Y. Sadovsky, C. Sibley, R. Troisi, C. Wadsack, M. Westwood, G.E. Lash
Placenta, February 2012, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2011.11.015