What is it about?
An experiment is reported where the position and momentum of photons in two closely separated modes were, simultaneously measured in the same space-time region. Many articles have been written regarding the intrinsic uncertainty between conjugate variables in quantum mechanics ... However, very few of them involve experimental realizations. In this experiment, the uncertainty of the simultaneous measurement of the photon's position and momentum is directly visualized via a streak camera.
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Why is it important?
For the first time, position and momentum are simultaneously measured in a quantum optics setup. Most realizations with light evaluate uncertainty from a diffraction setup. However, these type of experiments do not provide a simultaneous measurement. In contrast, position and momentum are measured here in the same space-time region. In particular, momentum is directly evaluated in a similar fashion as mechanical momentum. Namely, from the slope in a distance versus time plot. Thus, evaluation of the uncertainty is direct.
It is mind boggling that a fundamental uncertainty, that is not present in classical mechanics, exists at the quantum level. No matter how precise the instrumentation is, this uncertainty is ever present. This experiment clearly shows why the uncertainty persists even with an increased instrumental resolution. Hopefully, this realization contributes to the demystification of quantum uncertainty.
Dr Manuel Fernandez-Guasti
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Quantum uncertainty: ΔxΔp experimental evaluation and direct visualization, Physics Letters A, October 2022, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2022.128332.
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