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We examine the construct of impulsivity using an organismic-developmental approach. Trait impulsivity was assessed by means of both the Impulsiveness Questionnaire (I7 or I5) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11 or BIS-11-A). Cognitive impulsivity was assessed by means of a computerized Matching Familiar Figures Test, the Porteus Maze Test, the Trail Making Test, a computerized Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, and Circle Tracing. Our data were collected from a total of 182 individuals, ranging in age between 14 and 22 years, divided into two groups. Participants were tested individually, and completed the tests in one session lasting approximately 1.5h. We were able to substantiate our prediction that the multi-faceted construct of impulsivity becomes more differentiated with age: factor analysis revealed two impulsivity factors in the younger age group (primarily ages 14 and 16), and three impulsivity factors in the older group (primarily ages 20 and 22).
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Rotem's doctorate with me, as reported in this paper, looked at the multivariate nature of impulsivity in terms of Heinz Werner's developmental theory. We could operationalize Werner's notion of differentiation in terms of the number of underlying factors of impulsivity to be seen in the comparative data obtained from adolescents and young adults.
Professor Joseph Glicksohn
Bar-Ilan University
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This page is a summary of: The construct of impulsivity revisited, Personality and Individual Differences, September 2007, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2007.01.015.
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