Serum Proteomics and Plasma Fibulin-3 in Differentiation of Mesothelioma From Asbestos-Exposed Controls and Patients With Other Pleural Diseases
Selina Tsim, Laura Alexander, Caroline Kelly, Ann Shaw, Samantha Hinsley, Stephen Clark, Matthew Evison, Jayne Holme, Euan J. Cameron, Davand Sharma, Angela Wright, Seamus Grundy, Douglas Grieve, Alina Ionescu, David P. Breen, Elankumaran Paramasivam, Ioannis Psallidas, Dipak Mukherjee, Mahendran Chetty, Giles Cox, Alan Hart-Thomas, Rehan Naseer, John Edwards, Cyrus Daneshvar, Rakesh Panchal, Mohammed Munavvar, Rachel Ostroff, Leigh Alexander, Holly Hall, Matthew Neilson, Crispin Miller, Carol McCormick, Fiona Thomson, Anthony J. Chalmers, Nick A. Maskell, Kevin G. Blyth
Journal of Thoracic Oncology, October 2021, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2021.05.018