Consensus report on markers to distinguish procoagulant platelets from apoptotic platelets: communication from the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the ISTH
Emma C. Josefsson, Sofia Ramström, Johannes Thaler, Marie Lordkipanidzé, Ejaife O. Agbani, Lorenzo Alberio, Tamam Bakchoul, Beth A. Bouchard, Marina Camera, Vivien Chen, Fabrice Cognasse, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Rutvi G. Dave, Frederik Denorme, Dorothée Faille, Alison H. Goodall, Matthew T. Harper, Johan Heemskerk, Shawn M. Jobe, Lacey Johnson, Andaleb Kholmukhamedov, Saptarshi Mandal, Meganathan Kannan, Diego Mezzano, Nicola Mutch, Margaret L. Rand, Yana Roka-Moiia, Claudia Tersteeg, Kimberly A. Thomas, Dina Vara, Yuping Yuan
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, August 2023, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtha.2023.05.001