The unexpected structure of the designed protein Octarellin V.1 forms a challenge for protein structure prediction tools
Maximiliano Figueroa, Mike Sleutel, Marylene Vandevenne, Gregory Parvizi, Sophie Attout, Olivier Jacquin, Julie Vandenameele, Axel W. Fischer, Christian Damblon, Erik Goormaghtigh, Marie Valerio-Lepiniec, Agathe Urvoas, Dominique Durand, Els Pardon, Jan Steyaert, Philippe Minard, Dominique Maes, Jens Meiler, André Matagne, Joseph A. Martial, Cécile Van de Weerdt
Journal of Structural Biology, July 2016, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2016.05.004