Identification of microrna-181a-5p and microrna-4454 as mediators of facet cartilage degeneration through the activation of zinc finger protein 440 mediated nf-kb signaling pathway and potential circulating biomarkers for detecting the severity of face...
A. Nakamura, Y. Rampersaud, A. Sharma, S.J. Lewis, B. Wu, P. Datta, K. Sundararajan, E. Matip, H. Endisha, S. Nakamura, B. Pal, K. Perry, E. Prifti, A. Weston, D. Antflek, L. Montoya, K. Zetazate, E. Rossomacha, J. Rockel, I. Jurisica, M. Kapoor
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, April 2017, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2017.02.062