Correction to ‘Blood metabolomics uncovers inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction as a potential mechanism underlying ACLF’ [J Hepatol 2020 (72) 688–701]
Richard Moreau, Joan Clària, Ferran Aguilar, François Fenaille, Juan José Lozano, Christophe Junot, Benoit Colsch, Paolo Caraceni, Jonel Trebicka, Marco Pavesi, Carlo Alessandria, Frederik Nevens, Faouzi Saliba, Tania M. Welzel, Agustin Albillos, Thierry Gustot, Javier Fernández, Christophe Moreno, Maurizio Baldassarre, Giacomo Zaccherini, Salvatore Piano, Sara Montagnese, Victor Vargas, Joan Genescà, Elsa Solà, William Bernal, Noémie Butin, Thaïs Hautbergue, Sophie Cholet, Florence Castelli, Christian Jansen, Christian Steib, Daniela Campion, Raj Mookerjee, Miguel Rodríguez-Gandía, German Soriano, François Durand, Daniel Benten, Rafael Bañares, Rudolf E. Stauber, Henning Gronbaek, Minneke J. Coenraad, Pere Ginès, Alexander Gerbes, Rajiv Jalan, Mauro Bernardi, Vicente Arroyo, Paolo Angeli
Journal of Hepatology, June 2020, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.03.002