What is it about?

Quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen is a new biomarker to assess the disease activity and monitor treatment response of chronic hepatitis B. This review article written by international experts updates the most current thinking on how to use this biomarker in daily clinical practice.

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Why is it important?

Quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen is increasing popular worldwide as a complementary biomarker to hepatitis B virus DNA. Knowledge on how to use it will be of pivotal importance to manage patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.


This review is an update of my first workgroup report on quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen published in 2001, when it was highly cited and has influenced greatly the academic field. I believe this article will be equally important in the modern management of chronic hepatitis B, and should be read by all clinicians who take care of hepatitis B patients.

Prof Henry LY Chan
Chinese University of Hong Kong

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The role of quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen revisited, Journal of Hepatology, February 2017, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2016.08.009.
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