The CLIF Consortium Acute Decompensation score (CLIF-C ADs) for prognosis of hospitalised cirrhotic patients without acute-on-chronic liver failure
Rajiv Jalan, Marco Pavesi, Faouzi Saliba, Alex Amorós, Javier Fernandez, Peter Holland-Fischer, Rohit Sawhney, Rajeshwar Mookerjee, Paolo Caraceni, Richard Moreau, Pere Ginès, Francois Durand, Paolo Angeli, Carlo Alessandria, Wim Laleman, Jonel Trebicka, Didier Samuel, Stefan Zeuzem, Thierry Gustot, Alexander L. Gerbes, Julia Wendon, Mauro Bernardi, Vicente Arroyo
Journal of Hepatology, April 2015, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.11.012