What is it about?

Chitosan is known to have efficient wound healing property. In the mentioned research, we have shown the enhanced efficiency of chitosan hydrogels in combination with Pluronic F68 in faster wound healing and reepithelialisation.

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Why is it important?

We have developed hydrogels by cross-linking chitosan with Pluronic F68, which will have an immense application in the field of wound medicine because no previous research has reported the enhanced efficiency of chitosan-based hydrogels in combination with Pluronic F68 in accelerating healing and reepithelialisation.


We the authors had a great time while doing the research and making the manuscript, interpreting the results with the new findings. We hope that the research will contribute in a logical and meaningful way to the areas of wound dressing materials.

Dr Dhrubojyoti Mukherjee
MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Development and characterization of chitosan-based hydrogels as wound dressing materials, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, August 2018, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jddst.2018.06.008.
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