Combining isotopic signatures of n(87Sr)/n(86Sr) and light stable elements (C, N, O, S) with multi-elemental profiling for the authentication of provenance of European cereal samples
Daniel Goitom Asfaha, Christophe R. Quétel, Freddy Thomas, Micha Horacek, Bernhard Wimmer, Gerhard Heiss, Christian Dekant, Peter Deters-Itzelsberger, Stefan Hoelzl, Susanne Rummel, Christophe Brach-Papa, Marleen Van Bocxstaele, Eric Jamin, Malcolm Baxter, Katharina Heinrich, Simon Kelly, Daniela Bertoldi, Luana Bontempo, Federica Camin, Roberto Larcher, Matteo Perini, Andreas Rossmann, Antje Schellenberg, Claus Schlicht, Heinz Froeschl, Jurian Hoogewerff, Henriette Ueckermann
Journal of Cereal Science, March 2011, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcs.2010.11.004