Comparison of depression and anxiety symptom networks in reporters and non-reporters of lifetime trauma in two samples of differing severity
Alicia J. Peel, Chérie Armour, Joshua E.J. Buckman, Jonathan R.I. Coleman, Susannah C.B. Curzons, Molly R. Davies, Christopher Hübel, Ian Jones, Gursharan Kalsi, Monika McAtarsney-Kovacs, Andrew M. McIntosh, Dina Monssen, Jessica Mundy, Christopher Rayner, Henry C. Rogers, Megan Skelton, Abigail ter Kuile, Katherine N. Thompson, Gerome Breen, Andrea Danese, Thalia C. Eley
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, December 2021, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jadr.2021.100201