TCT-609 Comparison of one year outcomes in real world patients treated with a polymer free amphilimus eluting coronary stent versus second generation everolimus eluting stents
Vasileios F. Panoulas, Azeem Latib, Charbel Naim, Charis Costopoulos, Katsumasa Sato, Maurizio Tespili, Alessandro Sticchi, Tadashi Miyazaki, Filippo Figini, Mauro Carlino, Alaide Chieffo, Matteo Montorfano, Cosmo Godino, Alfonso Ielasi, Luca Testa, Francesco Bedogni, Antonio Colombo
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, September 2014, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.07.674