Does the Left Atrial Appendage Morphology Correlate With the Risk of Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation?
Luigi Di Biase, Pasquale Santangeli, Matteo Anselmino, Prasant Mohanty, Ilaria Salvetti, Sebastiano Gili, Rodney Horton, Javier E. Sanchez, Rong Bai, Sanghamitra Mohanty, Agnes Pump, Mauricio Cereceda Brantes, G. Joseph Gallinghouse, J. David Burkhardt, Federico Cesarani, Marco Scaglione, Andrea Natale, Fiorenzo Gaita
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, August 2012, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2012.04.032