What is it about?
The effect of the interfaces on hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of alloys is reviewed. Hydrogen-assisted interface cracking mechanisms of alloys are summarized. Strategies for resisting HE are proposed through the control of the interfaces. Semi-coherent precipitates are suggested to balance strength and HE resistance.
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Why is it important?
Due to its characteristic of low stress brittle fracture, hydrogen embrittlement (HE) is a great challenge for the alloys exposed to hydrogen-containing environments, threatening the safety and integrity of structural components. The physical and chemical status of the interfaces, among which grain boundary (GB), twin boundary (TB), and matrix/nano-precipitate interfaces (coherent, semi-coherent, and incoherent) are the representative ones, play a crucial role in determining the HE susceptibility of materials.
The physical and chemical status of the interfaces plays a crucial role in determining the HE susceptibility and HE mechanisms in metallic alloys. These interfaces act as effective trapping sites, affecting hydrogen dissolution, accumulation, and diffusion. In engineering structural alloys, the dominant types of interfaces are grain boundaries (GBs), twin boundaries (TBs), and nano-precipitates interfaces (coherent, semi-coherent, and incoherent).
Professor Milos B. Djukic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Review of the hydrogen embrittlement and interactions between hydrogen and microstructural interfaces in metallic alloys: Grain boundary, twin boundary, and nano-precipitate, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, June 2024, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.05.257.
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