What is it about?
This paper aims to investigate the effect of hydrogen-induced mechanical degradation of low carbon steel at macro-, micro- and nano-levels in the hydrogen-rich acidic environments. In this research, the comprehensive and novel program for investigating hydrogen damage of low carbon steel in the hydrogen-rich acidic environment at macro, micro, and nano-level was performed. The results of the degradation of the bulk elastic modulus, grains, nano-elastic moduli, and nano-hardness of the low carbon steel are presented.
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Why is it important?
The influence of hydrogen on the nano-elastic and nano-hardness properties of grains was determined. The 3D surface profiles of the nano-elastic modulus and nano-hardness of various specimens are presented in this paper.
The authors believe that the results presented in this research are novel that can contribute significantly to the knowledge and understanding related to the hydrogen degradation of the structural and industrial components made of low carbon steel. Moreover, further investigations of the mechanical properties of steels at macro-, micro- and nano-level exposed to hydrogen damage should open a new window in the research related to the maintenance and the service life predictions of such components.
Professor Milos B. Djukic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Hydrogen embrittlement of low carbon structural steel at macro-, micro- and nano-levels, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, December 2019, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.11.070.
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Hydrogen Embrittlement - Understanding and research framework Project at ResearchGate
Proposed research framework in hydrogen embrittlement refers to the challenges and most obvious problems of how to link models, phenomenology and morphology of hydrogen-related failures of industrial components at different scales and how to successful translate the insights gained into outcomes of practical value to the engineering community.
Article (Free Download) at ResearchGate
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