What is it about?

The goal of this study is to discover agriculturally acceptable areas for vegetable production in India's Uttar Dinajpur district using GIS and the bivariate technique.

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Why is it important?

The main justification for selecting Uttar Dinajpur district as the study area is its strategic significance for India, as it serves as a link between northeastern India and neighbouring regions, exporting a significant amount of vegetables.


The goal of this study is to evaluate agricultural land suitability for vegetable crop production in the Uttar Dinajpur area. To undertake the land suitability analysis, bivariate statistical approaches such as the frequency ratio, entropy index, and weights of evidence models are used.

Prolay Mondal
Raiganj University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Modelling agricultural land suitability for vegetable crops farming using RS and GIS in conjunction with bivariate techniques in the Uttar Dinajpur district of Eastern India, Green Technologies and Sustainability, May 2023, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.grets.2023.100022.
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