What is it about?

In this work, it is shown for the first time how satellite elevation cutoff angle and PDOP mask affect epoch-wise two-way nested ANOVA estimates of variances of unmodeled effects such as 'far-field' multipath effect (considered as a nested factor herein) and the combined unmodeled effect of tropospheric and ionospheric refraction (considered as a nesting factor herein), both present in relative GPS positioning. The analysis was done for both the summer and winter periods.

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Why is it important?

The study is important because it was performed using very representative data and an appropriate mathematical model, which led to significant, logical results. It is worth mentioning that this study, actually, represents a continuation of the previous research: D. Anđić, ''Impact of sampling interval on variance components of epoch-wise residual error in relative GPS positioning: A case study of a 40-km long baseline'', Geod Geodyn 12 (2021) 368-380, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.geog.2021.05.001.


When it comes to further research, it would be useful to analyse these effects using datasets related to Multi-GNSS positioning with the aim to find out how it all goes with other satellite systems other than GPS.

Ph.D. in Geodesy, Darko M. Anđić
Department of State Survey and Mapping, Real Estate Administration

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Dependence of epoch-wise two-way nested ANOVA estimates of variances of unmodeled effects present in relative GPS positioning on satellite elevation cutoff angle and PDOP mask, Geodesy and Geodynamics, September 2022, Tsinghua University Press,
DOI: 10.1016/j.geog.2022.02.005.
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