Soils and sustainable development goals of the United Nations: An International Union of Soil Sciences perspective
Rattan Lal, Johan Bouma, Eric Brevik, Lorna Dawson, Damien J. Field, Bruno Glaser, Ryusuke Hatano, Alfred E. Hartemink, Takashi Kosaki, Bruce Lascelles, Curtis Monger, Cristine Muggler, Georges Martial Ndzana, Stefan Norra, Xicai Pan, Remigio Paradelo, Laura Bertha Reyes-Sánchez, Taru Sandén, Bal Ram Singh, Heide Spiegel, Junta Yanai, Jiabao Zhang
Geoderma Regional, June 2021, Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2021.e00398